Oguzhan Turkoglu

Oguzhan Turkoglu

Postdoctoral Researcher

Hertie School, Berlin, Germany


I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Hertie School in Berlin, Germany. With Prof. Ruth Ditlmann, we study intergroup relations and commemorating the past atrocities. More specifically, we examine how commemorating the past atrocities affects political behavior and attitudes toward minority groups.

My research is at the intersection of forced migration, conflict dynamics, and memory politics and employs quantitative and experimental methods. My PhD thesis examines the causes of forced migration with a focus on rebel group dynamics. My recent research analyzes how intergroup relations can be improved and how the past can be instrumentalized for this purpose. My research is published or accepted for publication in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Comparative Political Studies, International Studies Quarterly, Journal of Peace Research, Political Science Research and Methods, and other outlets.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Working Papers

  • Does Taking Action against Past Injustice Increases Intentions to Take Action Against Contemporary Injustice? (with Ruth Ditlmann and Berenike Firestone)
  • Preferences for Refugee Settlement’’ (Under Review)
  • Security Concerns, Ethnic Relations, and Attitudes toward Refugees
  • The Facade of Control: The Political and Conflict Backlash to Indiscriminate Nonviolent Repression (with Miceal Canavan) (Under Review)

Work in Progress

  • Reminders of a Past Life: Refugee Background Salience of Local Minority Groups and the Attitudes toward Refugees (with Miceal Canavan)
  • Does Learning about Past Atrocities Improve Attitudes toward Minorities? Evidence from a Field Experiment (with Ruth Ditlmann and Berenike Firestone)
  • The Personal and Political Limitations of Prolonged Intergroup Contact in a Post-Conflict Setting” (with Miceal Canavan)
  • Authority Support and Intergroup Contact (with Ruth Ditlmann)



  • Spring 2023, 2024: Politics of Forced Migration (Masters) - syllabus
  • Fall 2020: Politics of Forced Migration (Undergraduate) - syllabus
  • Fall 2018 - 2020: Political Science Math Camp (PhD) - syllabus

Teaching Assistant

  • Spring 2020: Introduction to Quantitative Research Methods (Masters)
  • Spring 2020: Political Violence and Conflict in Comparative Context (Undergraduate)
  • Fall 2019: Theories of Political Violence and Conflict (Undergraduate)
  • 2017-2019: International Relations (Undergraduate)